24x7 Enterprise Monitoring
Full 24x7 visibility of your virtual machines
Alhambra Cloud includes access to a web monitoring panel of the virtual platform of each hosted element without the need to install any additional application or software. The data shown is obtained from consulting the HyperVisor.
Benefits of 24x7 Enterprise Monitoring
Full visibility
You see the same as the technicians..
You have control of the performance parameters of the virtual machines, with access to historic data of the probes deployed.
Full control
Fully control the platform.
Platform administrated and supported by Alhambra, where you will be able to configure alarms by thresholds, with registration of events and historic data.
Full awareness
Always be aware of the status of your services.
In addition to email notifications on the status of your services, you have the possibility of monitoring your applications and access to reports on SLAs.
Regulatory compliance
Efficiency in your processes, accessing technologies which ensure regulatory compliance (GDPR Compliance) and agreements with your clients / suppliers.
A managed service which allows monthly payment for use, without additional hidden or unexpected costs, and with full freedom of action and decision (without “captive clients”).
Flexible and personalisable
A service without penalisation in performance, integrated with other systems that you want or need to maintain, thanks to our 30 years of experience as an integrator.