PCI DSS Compliance Virtual Data Center

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Data Center Virtual PCI DSS Compliance

Store credit or debit card data with absolute security

Does your company need to store credit or debit card data securely with PCI DSS certification? Alhambra Cloud’s multitenant virtualisation environment offers you a certified environment in which you can run your virtual machines.

With our PCI DSS certified Cloud service, you can prove that your company complies with high security standards when managing, processing, transacting or carrying out any type of activity involving credit or debit card data.

Scope of our PCI DSS Virtual Data Center

The PCI DSS certification of the service focuses on the virtualisation environment, meaning not only the processing systems, but also the storage systems where they are housed.

  • Virtual machines
  • Managed backup services backing up virtual machines that could contain card data.
  • Management access control and environment monitoring
  • Segmentation and isolation of networks between different companies
  • Logging and auditing systems for the virtualisation environment
Initial PCI scope

Benefits of PCI DSS Compliance Virtual Data Centre

Certified process

Hardware and its hosting, networking, storage, virtualisation and access to the consoles of the VMs involved.


This process represents considerable time and cost savings.

Minimise your worries

You only have to worry about the certification of the guest operating systems and applications that are installed and run on these virtual machines.

Trouble-free audits

You won’t have to demonstrate the more complex security requirements and PCI compliance assurances in your PCI audit – we provide them as a supplier.

Expert advice

Our professionals have technical training in PCI requirements to support and advise you during the audit process.

More and greater guarantees

What’s more, as a company certified in Information Security, Personal Data Protection in Cloud Services, Business Continuity, etc., Alhambra IT offers you additional quality guarantees.

We help you with your technology project.